In the figure Reog Ponorogo
Jathil is hussar and is one of the leaders in the art of reog. Jathilan is a dance that describes dexterity horsemen who were practicing on horseback. This dance is performed by dancers in which the dancers one another each pair. Dexterity and expertise in fighting on horseback or lost interest shown by the expression of the dancer.
Jathilan was originally danced by men smooth, flawless-looking or similar to a beautiful woman. The motion was more likely feminine dance. Since the 1980s when the team Reog Ponorogo about to be transported to Jakarta for the opening PRJ (Pekan Raya Jakarta), dancer jathilan replaced by the female dancers with more feminine reasons. The characteristics of the dance movement Jathilan impression on Reog Ponorogo more prone to subtle, agile, flirtatious. It is powered by a rhythmic pattern dance which alternates between rhythm mlaku (naive) and rhythm ngracik.
Warok is derived from the word wewarah are people who have a holy determination, provide guidance and protection unconditionally. Warok is wong kang sugih wewarah (the rich will wewarah). That is, a person becomes Warok being able to give instructions or teaching others about the life baik.Warok iku wong kang wus full saka sakabehing behavior, lan wus menep ing sense (Warok are people who are already perfect in his manner of life, and to the inner deposition ).
Warok of characters / traits and community spirit Ponorogo ingrained since the first handed down by our ancestors to the next generation. Warok is part of the visual arts reog integral to teaching others in the unit Reog Ponorogo. Warok is a truly mastered both physically and mentally.
Barongan (sudden peacock) dance is the most dominant equipment in Reog Ponorogo. Sections include; Tiger head (caplokan), made of a wooden frame, bamboo, rattan covered with tiger skin kingpin. Sudden peacock, frame made of bamboo and rattan as a place to organize a peacock feather to describe peacock feathers and bite is developing a string of beads - beads (beads). Krakap made of black velvet cloth embroidered with beads, an accessories and a place to write reog group identity. This sudden peacock a length of around 2.25 meters, a width of about 2.30 meters and weighing nearly 50 kilograms.
Klono Sewandono or King Kelono is a powerful king who has a heritage mainstay mandraguna Cemeti very powerful form as Kyai Pecut Samandiman go wherever the King handsome and still young always carry the heirloom. The inheritance is used to protect himself. Valor king depicted in the dance lively and authoritative, in a story of King Klono Sewandono managed to create a beautiful artistic results of their creativity to comply with a request Princess (her lover). Because the King drunk love the movement tarinyapun sometimes describe a man who is in love.
Bujang Ganong (Ganongan) or Patih Poet Anom is one of the characters who are energetic, hilarious at the same time have expertise in martial arts so that every appearance is always in waiting - waiting by the audience, especially the children. Bujang Ganong depicts the figure of a young Patih nimble, strong, clever, witty and powerful.
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