Unique Tourist Information

Understanding The Actual Ecotourism

Several university programs use this description as a working definition of eco tourism.

Foermy. Eco tourism is a form of travel by visiting natural areas, pristine, and usually protected, the purpose of reducing the negative impact as low as low as for tourist itself, and a bring positive small scale alternative to standard commercial tourism. The goal is to educate the traveler, to provide funds for ecological conservation, in order to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, or to encourage respect for different cultures and for human rights. Since the 1980s eco tourism has been considered a critical effort with the environment, so that future generations may experience destinations relatively untouched by human interference. Several university programs use this description as a working definition of eco tourism.
Eco tourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions

Generally, eco tourism focuses on volunteering, or "voluntourism", which includes personal growth and environmental sustainability. Eco tourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. One of the goals of eco tourism is to offer travelers an insight into man against environmental impact, and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitat.

Responsible eco tourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, an integral part of eco tourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and the creation of economic opportunities for local communities. For these reasons, eco tourism often appeals to the environment and supports social responsibility.

Definitions Eco tourism is ? 

The so-called eco tourism or often written or called with eco tourism, ecological tourism, eco tourism, eco tourism, eco tourism, eco tour, eco tour and others?

The formulation 'ecotourism' has actually been around since 1987 put forward by Hector Ceballos-Lascurain are as follows:
"Nature or eco tourism can be defined as tourism that Consist in traveling to are relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objectives of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plant as and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in the areas"
The formulation above is simply a description of ordinary nature tourism activities. The formulation is then refined by The International Eco tourism Society (TIES) at the beginning of 1990 is as follows :
"Eco tourism is responsible travel to natural areas conserved the environment and improves the welfare of local people."
This definition is actually almost the same as that given by Hector Ceballos-Lascurain they both describe the tourist activities in the open air, only by TIES in eco tourism activities contained elements of care, responsibility and commitment to the preservation of the environment and the livelihoods of local residents. Eco tourism is an effort to maximize and while preserving the potential of the natural resources and culture to be used as a sustainable source of income. In other words, eco tourism is nature tourism activities plus plus. The above definition has been widely accepted by the perpetrators of eco tourism.

There is an element plus plus on top of that is a concern, responsibility and commitment to environmental sustainability and improving the welfare of local communities caused by:

  • Fears of further damage to the environment by development that is exploitative to natural resources.
  • The assumption that tourism requires a good and healthy environment.
  • Environmental sustainability may not be maintained without active participation of the local community.
  • Participation of local communities will arise if they can gain economic benefits ( 'economical benefits') on a sustainable environment.
The presence of tourists (especially eco tourism) to places unspoiled it gives opportunity for locals to earn an alternative income to be tour guides, porters, open home stay, cottage eco tourism (ecolodge), stalls and other efforts related to eco tourism, so as to improve their livelihoods or improving the quality life local residents, both materially, spiritual, cultural and intellectual.

While understanding the Community Based Eco tourism (community-based eco tourism) is an eco tourism venture that is owned, managed and supervised by the local community. Society plays an active role in the development of eco tourism activities from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Results of eco tourism activities as may be enjoyed by the local community. So in this case the community has adequate powers to control the activities of eco tourism.

Purpose Eco tourism Indonesia

Eco tourism Destination Indonesia is to (1) Achieve the implementation of responsible tourism, which supports the efforts of environmental preservation of natural, historical and cultural heritage; (2) increase the participation people and provide economic benefits to local communities; (3) Being a model for other tourism development, through the application of the principles of ecotourism.

Characteristics Ecotourism

In conceptual ecotourism can be defined as a concept of sustainable tourism development that aims to support the efforts of environmental preservation (natural and cultural) and increase public participation in the management, thus providing economic benefits to local communities. While in terms of management, ecotourism can be defined as the organization of responsible tourism in natural places or areas made under the rules of nature and sustainable economy that supports the efforts of environmental preservation (natural and cultural) and increase welfare local community.

Principle Eco tourism
  1. Having caring, responsibility and commitment to the preservation of natural and cultural environment, to implement the rules of responsible business and sustainable economy.
  2. Development should follow the principles of ecological and on the basis of agreement deliberation and the local community.
  3. Provide benefits to the local community.
  4. Be sensitive and respectful of the values ​​of social, cultural and religious traditions of the local community.
  5. Taking into account the agreements, regulations, legislation both nationally and internationally.

Ecotourism is a form of tourism that involves visiting natural areas - in the remote wilderness or urban environment. By definition and principles eco tourism principles established by the International Eco tourism Society (bonds) in 1990, ecotourism is "Responsible travel for natural areas that conserve the environment and local community life quality." (Ties, 1990). Martha Honey, expands the definition of the relationship with eco tourism describes seven characteristics, namely:
  • Involves travel to natural destinations minimizes impact
  • Builds environmental awareness
  • Provides direct financial benefits for conservation
  • Provides financial benefits and empowerment for local people
  • Respects local culture
  • Supports human rights and democratic movements
such as:
  • conservation of biological diversity and cultural diversity through ecosystem protection
  • promotion of sustainable use of biodiversity, by providing jobs to local Populations
  • sharing of socio-economic benefits with local communities and indigenous peoples by having Reviews their informed consent and participation in the management of eco tourism enterprises
  • tourism to unspoiled natural resources, with minimal impact on the environment being a primary concern.
  • minimization of tourism's own environmental impact
  • affordability and lack of waste in the form of luxury
  • local culture, flora and fauna being the main Attractions
  • local people benefit from this form of tourism economically, Often more than mass tourism
Ecotourism is often misinterpreted as all forms of tourism that involves nature / Jungle. In fact, many ecotourism activities often consist of placing a hotel in a beautiful landscape, to the detriment of the ecosystem. According to them, ecotourism must be sensitive to all people to the beauty and fragility of nature. They condemn some operators as green washing their operations: using the label "green" and "environmentally friendly", while behaving in a manner that is responsible for the environments.

Ecotourism Indonesia According to Concept and Understanding

Indonesia as the country biodiversity number two in the world, has been known to have natural resources, flora and fauna are very high. The explorer of the western world and the Far East have visited Indonesia in the fifteenth century vang ago.

A journey of exploration that would like to know the situation in other parts of the continent have been conducted by Marcopollo, Washington, Wallace, Weber, Junghuhn and Van Steines and many others is the beginning of the journey between islands and between the continent that is full of challenges. The adventurer traveled to nature that is the beginning of a journey eco tourism. Most of this trip does not benefit the conservation of natural areas, culture or native and endangered species (Lascurain, 1993).

At this time, eco tourism has been growing. This tour is not just to do bird watching, horseback riding, a search trail in the wilderness, but has been associated with the concept of forest conservation and local residents. Eco tourism is then a combination of different interests that grew out of concern for the environment, economic and social. Eco tourism can not be separated with conservation. Therefore, eco tourism referred to as a form of responsible travel journey.

Wet tropical wilderness across the Indonesian archipelago is a destination. Destination for ecological tourism can benefit possible ecological aspects, social, cultural and economic for the community, managers and government.

Core Development Eco tourism Indonesia

Indonesia has the potential of natural resources and historical heritage, art and culture are very large as a world tourist attraction. Biokonservasi Experts predict that Indonesia is classified diversity country in terms of biodiversity will be able to shift Brazil as the country's highest diversity types, if the experts continue to vigorously conduct scientific assessments of the region untouched.

Imagine that Indonesia has 10% of flowering plant species in the world, 12% of mammals, 16% of reptiles and amphibians, 17% of birds, 25% of fish, and 15% of insects, although Indonesia's land area is only 1.32% the entire area land in the world (Bappenas, 1993).

In the animal world, Indonesia also has a special position in the world. 500-600 of large mammal species (36% endemic), 35 species of primates (25% endemic), 78 kinds of crooked beak (40% endemic) and 121 species of butterflies (44% endemic) (McNeely et al 1990, Supriatna 1996). Around 59% of Indonesia's land area is tropical rain forest, or about 10% of the forest area in the world (Stone, 1994). About 100 million hectares were classified as protected forest, which is 18.7 million hectare has been designated as a conservation area.

However Similarly, until now we have to bear the brunt as the richest country in biodiversity in the region is very sensitive, because the biota Indonesia spread over more than 17,000 islands. Therefore, not only the number of population of each individual is not great but also very limited distribution. It must be recognized by the government, so that Indonesia should formulate a policy and create a different approach in the development of system utilization biological diversity, especially in tourism development policies which directly utilize the natural resources as assets. The development of natural resources non-extractive, non-consumptive sustainable and needs to be prioritized and in fields such as eco tourism Tourism development should be the primary choice.

Eco tourism Vision Indonesia

Seeing the potential of Indonesia, the Indonesian Eco tourism vision is to create a tourism development through the organization that supports environmental conservation (natural and cultural), involve and benefit the local community, as well as commercially profitable. With this vision Eco tourism provides a significant opportunity to promote the conservation of biodiversity of Indonesia in the international, national, regional and local.

Setting Vision Eco tourism above is based on several key elements:
  • Eco tourism is highly dependent on the quality of natural resources, historical and cultural heritage.
The wealth of biodiversity is a major attraction for eco tourism market share, so the quality, sustainability and conservation of natural resources, historical and cultural heritage is very important for ecotourism. Ecotourism development also provides a significant opportunity to promote the conservation of biodiversity of Indonesia in the international, national, regional and local.
  • Community Involvement.
Basically knowledge about nature and culture as well as regional tourist attraction, is owned by the local community. Therefore the involvement of the community becomes absolute, starting from the planning up to the management level.
  • Ecotourism increase awareness and appreciation of nature, values ​​of historical and cultural relics.
Ecotourism provides added value to visitors and the local community in the form of knowledge and experience. The added value of this influence changes in behavior of visitors, the community and tourism developers to be aware and more appreciative of nature, values ​​of historical and cultural relics.
  • The market growth of ecotourism in the international and national levels.
The fact showed a tendency increasing demand for ecotourism products at both international and national. This is due to increased promotions that encourage people to behave positively towards nature and desire to visit areas that are still natural in order to raise awareness, appreciation and concern for nature, the values ​​of the local historical and cultural heritage.
  • Ecotourism as a means of realizing a sustainable economy.
Ecotourism provides an opportunity to earn profits for providers, governments and local communities, through the activities of non-extractive and non-consumptive thus boost local economies. Implementation of the attention to the rules of ecotourism, realizing sustainable economy.
General Issues Eco Tourism
  • Ownership
  • Partnerships
  • Scale / Concession
  • Gender
  • Participation
  • Transparency
  • Planning and Decision-Making Process
Places that can be made reference eco tourism in Indonesia

Ecotourism is a form of travel that are closely with conservation principles. Even in the tourism development strategy also use conservation strategies. Thus ecotourism extremely precise and efficient in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the ecosystem in the area pristine. Even with ecotourism nature conservation can be improved because of the pressure and demands of the eco-traveler.

Komodo Dragons is one of the main attractions of tourism in Indonesia. The park consists dari603 square km. land and 1,214 sq km. marine waters. It was declared Man and Biosphere Reserve and a World Heritage Site in 1986. Unique biodiversity and scenic beauty combined with remote and rural location makes it one of the favorite places for tourists. With 900 to 1.000 fish species, it is one of the world's richest fish habitats. Dolphins, turtles, scaly and green turtles often visit the reef, building and organ pipe coral pink beaches. Dive boat anchor 'designed so as not to endanger fragile. Coral gardens also take active steps to reduce destructive fishing practices in the region.

Facility tours of the park to provide accommodation for tourists. Eco-tourism attractions of the park include:
  • Komodo Dragons (giant monitor lizards)
  • Spectacular Diving and Snorkeling
  • Catch and Release Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Whale Watching.
There are various tours organized by the government and tour operators eco-tourism as a primary goal. This is a result of field work composed by the tourists.

Example of a trip to Sulawesi to see all the bird species that exist, with many species of birds in tropical forests. In the rain forests of Sumatra, Panda can do field work by researchers for 13 days to observe and work together to see the habitat (orangutan) and how to treat them. traveled rafting along Ayung River or a visit to the zoo park in Bali is a favorite activity at the same time with tourists and can also be used for ecotourism activities.

Examples of places that can be visited as a destination Ecotourism West Bali National Park, Bali Butterfly Park, Mountains Batukaru, Batur VolcanoAktif, Tangkoko National Park among others to improve primary ecotourism business in Indonesia. A visit to some places that ecotourism will show you how it feels to be the wildest and most magnificent places on Earth.

Negative Impact Ecotourism

Ecotourism has become one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry, growing annually by 10-15% worldwide (Miller, 2007). One definition of ecotourism is "the practice of low-impact, educational, ecologically sensitive travel and cultural benefits local communities and host countries" (Honey, 1999). Many ecotourism project does not meet this standard. Even if some of the guidelines is being executed, the local communities are still facing other negative impacts. South Africa is one of the countries to reap significant economic benefits from ecotourism, but negative effects - including forcing people to leave their homes, gross violations of basic rights, and environmental hazards - far greater than the medium-term economic benefits (Miller, 2007 ). Huge sums of money are spent, and human resources continue to be used for ecotourism although the results did not succeed, and more money is put into a public relations campaign to dilute the effect of criticism. Ecotourism is a channel resources from other projects that can contribute to more sustainable solutions and realistic to pressing social and environmental issues. "Money tourism can generate often parks his tie and management of eco-tourism" (Walpole et al. 2001). But there is a tension in this relationship since ecotourism often causes conflict and changes in land use rights, failed to deliver on its promises profits at the community level, environmental damage, and have many other social impacts. Indeed, many have argued repeatedly that the ecological and social eco-tourism is not profitable, but still as a strategy for conservation and development (West, 2006). While some research is being done on how to improve the structure of ecotourism, some people argue that the examples provide a reason to stop the impact of ecotourism.

Ecotourism system has the financial and political influence were outstanding. The above evidence shows that there is a strong case to hold such activities in specific locations. Funding can be used for field studies aimed at finding alternative solutions to tourism and the diverse problems Africa faces in result of urbanization, industrialization, and the exploitation of agriculture (Kamuaro, 2007). At the local level, ecotourism has become a source of conflict over control of the advantages of land, resources, and tourism. In this case, ecotourism has been detrimental to the environment and local community, and has led to conflicts over profit distribution. In a perfect world will be more efforts made to educate and social rating of the environmental effects of their trip. Very few regulations or laws stand in place as boundaries for the investors in ecotourism. It should be implemented to prohibit the promotion of sustainable ecotourism projects and materials that projecting such false images, destination uncertain, degrading local and indigenous cultures.

So in essence what each planned despite the positive intention must have a negative side, the impact or risk in this case we as actors ecotourism should minimize adverse impacts by addressing these things in a more thorough and well-planned.

So hopefully this guide is useful for everyone ..!

Quoted from the article by Chafid Fandeli originating in Buku Pengusahaan Ecotourism (2000), Chafid Fandeli., Mukhlison., Faculty of Forestry Univ. Gadjah Mada
Tag : Guide, Tourism

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