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The Fruit is Safe to Eat Diabetics

Diet for people with Diabetics often makes patients with diabetes hunger, so that all people with diabetes should know what are the good fruits for diabetes to be used as a snack or snack. Following a good diet is compulsory for people with diabetes to combat this disease. Fruit for diabetics we've collected below has other benefits to improve the balance of the body of patients with diabetes, so it is not only good for holding hunger alone. Follow this article to get more information about any fruit that should be your ultimate choice to serve as your additional food menu.
The Fruit is Safe to Eat Diabetics
Choosing the right foods to fight diabetes is very important

Here Fruits For Diabetes Can You Use For Your Snack

Choosing the right foods to fight diabetes is very important. Similarly, in choosing what kind of fruit is good for you in the stomach between meals your weight. In general, choose the fruit with a flavor that is not too sweet, because of the sweetness that comes from fructose can raise blood sugar levels when consumed in excess. Select is also a fruit that contains a lot of fiber, because it can control your hunger. And always choose fresh fruit were not given extra sugar is a mandatory step that you should take. Here are eight pieces for diabetics we have selected for you:

Fruit Berry

Any pieces that fall into the kind of berries? Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are several kinds of fruit, berry family are well known in Indonesia. According to the ADA (American Diabetics  Association) berry is one of the best fruits for diabetics or Diabetics . Why? Berries contain antioxidants, various vitamins, fiber and have a low glycemic index numbers. So, next time when you want to eat sweet foods choose these healthy berries. Not to forget, strawberry juice, blueberries or blackberries can be the snack of your choice, but without sugar and milk of course.


Fruit for other Diabetics were also very good for the health of people with diabetes or Diabetics is the cherry. This fruit contains antioxidants that very much and can prevent various diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and high blood pressure which is a disease that often occurs in conjunction with diabetes. One glass of cherry fruit contains 78 calories seitar. Do not forget cherries also contain high fiber so that it has a low glycemic indeksi anyway. But remember to choose wisely cherry fruit that does not add artificial sweeteners.


In addition to being the fruit of choice for the diet, apple fruit for Diabetics can be very good. Why? Apples contain a lot of Vitamin C, fiber and various anti-oxidants that can strengthen the vitality, immunity and revitalizing the body. Some researchers also were vying for proof that this fruit may lower blood sugar levels so that helps control blood sugar excess in the body. Eat apples with the skin, because the skin of the apple contains fiber which is also very good for lowering the glycemic index of these berries. And calories are contained apples is very little, which is only 54 calories in 1 small apple.


Fruit for diabetes which favors more is sour fruits that contain a lot of Vitamin C orange fruit alias. Yes, in addition to vitamin C, there are many other additional nutrients contained in a fruit is believed anti-oxidants, fiber, folate and potassium which is good for the body. Fiber can lower the glycemic index so as to make diabetics do not quickly feel hungry. Folate and potassium was excellent to normalize and maintain levels of blood pressure, considering any diabetics prone to high blood pressure or hypertension. Do not hesitate to add this fruit into your daily menu as a snack or juice which certainly do not add extra sugar.


Pear fruit is a source of Vitamin K and fiber very much, making this fruit as fruit for diabetes that you should not miss. Vitamin K can normalize the balance in the blood, helping to improve your health status. Fibers contained by pear fruit also is much that can lower the glycemic index of these berries and consequently benefit satiate your stomach longer. Immediately enter this fruit as one type of fruit that you can use as a snack between meals your weight. Because in addition to getting the benefits of the tasty and filling, pear also provide health benefits to the body.


Do not focus on the rumors saying that the fat contained avocados will and increase your weight. Because the fat contained fruit is not much and what kind of fat it contains also proved to be a saturated fat is not good for the body. Another advantage is the avocado consume glucose or sugar contained little fruit. Saturated fat is not good for the body because it can help raise HDL, the good cholesterol, and help prevent heart disease. The above benefits make the avocado as one of the fruits for diabetes very good.Tentu Do not eat avocados in the form of juice or ice mix that contains a lot of sugar nasty.


Fruit for diabetes are no less healthy is the papaya fruit. The fruit that grows in tropical areas, besides good for digestion also was good for diabetes. Fortunately for Indonesia because the fruit is always there in any season or any month. Papaya contains Vitamins A, C and E are high and would be beneficial for the body. Do not forget, papaya also contains calcium, iron and potassium, which helps the functioning of the heart blood vessels and red blood cells. So, papaya is a fruit shall be consumed diabetics sa snack at alternating your meal.


Kiwifruit is often our findings topping for yogurt or frozen foods are also the usual snack is fruit for diabetes are no less useful. This fruit contains potassium, fiber and vitamin C that is sure to benefit the body. Vitamin C contained in the kiwi will maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and can reduce high blood pressure, a condition that often becomes a 'friend' of diabetes. Now, a lot of research is being done to prove the effectiveness of kiwi in the role of lowering blood sugar is high.

Food For Diabetes - Portion Settings, and the type of food Eating Schedule

Fighting diabetes strategy requires significant lifestyle changes. Especially in terms of diet or square adjust your diet. Not only reduces the size of the meal, diabetics should know what foods he should eat, which foods to avoid, when to eat and how many servings of food that should he eat. So, this is roughly outline food for diabetes that you can follow:

Eating with regular hours is the first strategy you should do. Do not skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. The key, eat a portion of taste, the best kind of food and regular every day. Reduce carbohydrates are a key element in the fight against diabetes. A diabetic should eat only white rice sebanyakan his fist in the course of each meal. Also avoid foods high in carbohydrates such as: sweet and sugary foods, flour, bread, noodles, rice, potatoes and tubers.

The consumption of protein and fat in moderation, the meat of the palm of the hand, with not exceed 0.5-1 cm thick. Choose lean meats. And you can only consume as much oil as the tip of a finger nail every time you eat. Do not forget the fat in dairy products you consume. Eat vegetables and fruits that much to prop hunger in your stomach, Get used to eating fresh vegetables and avoid long cooking process the vegetables you eat. You can also take advantage of the above fruits as a snack when you feel hungry between meals heavy.

Diet and lifestyle is the key to maintaining your blood sugar. But keep in mind that you are not recommended to leave the prescribed drugs to combat diabetes who suffer and instead rely on fruit above to control your blood sugar. How, whether the information which we have provided enough useful to you? If yes, immediately apply the steps to choosing foods for diabetes at the top to control your blood sugar. And do not hesitate to add fruit to diabetes above as additional food menu everyday you get a wide range of important benefits to combat your diabetes disease.
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